10 Practical Ways to Prevent Procrastination
Ever find yourself incessantly checking emails and social media, tirelessly watching videos or endlessly surfing blogs and forums while your assignment deadlines are looming? You know that you should be focusing on your assignments, but you don’t feel like doing anything.

Build a Rewarding Career in Finance with ACCA
ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is one of the leading international accountancy bodies in the world, offering one the fastest and most efficiently growing qualifications- with over 500,000 students and 200,000 members spread across more than 175 countries worldwide.

Top Tips For Getting Your Dream Job
Tips for New Graduates on How to get Their Dream Job | Interview with FroxJob

Your World | Video Competition 2022-23
An incredible group of five creative A-Level students from BMC recently bagged the ‘National Winner’ title in the British Council’s ‘Your World Video Competition 2022-23’, making us all extremely proud. So Ariel Moreira, Senior Counsellor at TBC (Former A-Levels ECA Coordinator) sat with project leader Srowyesha Deshar to ask her a few questions about her experience.