Term and Conditions

Techie IT

 When you submit your application, you acknowledge and agree as follows:


  1. Should you submit any deliberately falsified information, you acknowledge that your application will be automatically voided.
  2. By submitting this application, you acknowledge that should you not pay your deposit within the allotted time frame, your application will be delayed until the next term time, and should it still not be paid, ultimately voided.
  3. By submitting this application, you acknowledge that should you not submit any of the required documents within the allotted time frame, your application will be delayed until the next term time, and should they still not be submitted, ultimately voided.
  4. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that should you not select any exemption option, when submitting your application, you will automatically start the degree at the beginning of the course, regardless of any other courses or modules you have already undertaken.
  5. By selecting an exemption you acknowledge that you have to follow the guidelines for applying for exemption, which are as follow 


  •  When applying for MODULE EXEMPTION, you must submit the exemption form along with your application along with any appropriate evidence.


  • Failure to follow the correct guidelines will cause your exemption application to be voided and you will be required to undertake the whole degree.


  • By completing and submitting this Student Application Form to TBC you are inviting TBC to offer you a place in the relevant course. You agree that if TBC issues you with a letter of acceptance (which is entirely at TBC's discretion) this will be an offer which is capable of your acceptance by enrolling (i.e. nominating and paying for) with TBC by the cutoff date.


  • A letter of acceptance/offer issued by anyone other than TBC is not valid, and you shall inform TBC if you have received such a letter.


  • Before enrolling, you agree to obtain a copy of the TBC Student Handbook and carefully read all sections. Also, before enrolling, you agree to review TBC's fees as outlined on the Course Fees Sheet or Webpage (on the TBC website)


  • By enrolling, you have accepted the offer in the letter of acceptance and are deemed to have read, accepted, and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions in this Student Application Form, the Course Information, and the rules and regulations in the TBC Student Handbook (which may be as amended from time to time).


  • You shall pay all TBC fees directly to TBC as directed on the TBC website. You acknowledge and agree that TBC's fees may change from time to time, and the new course fees will apply to all students notwithstanding when they joined the course.


  • Any amount paid by you to TBC shall not be assignable or transferable towards the credit or benefit of another student or for any other matter (subject to the fees in the Credit Policy detailed in the TBC Student Handbook)


  • TBC is not obliged to and will not refund to you any fees paid or caused to be paid to TBC.


  • You acknowledge that if you do not correctly enroll on (i.e. nominate and pay for) your programme / modules by the relevant enrolment dates, that you are not entitled to attend tutorials for those subjects or submit assignments or sit exams for those subjects. If you do submit assignments or sit exams when not correctly enrolled, TBC will not mark these papers and will discard them.


  • You acknowledge that you will pay any outstanding or installment payments within the deadline set by the College. If you do not pay the fees then TBC reserves the right to suspend you, bar you from the classes and college facilities, bar you from exams, or refuse to mark your papers.


  • TBC reserves the right to modify, alter or withdraw any subjects or any course and/or to make modifications to the course delivery and tutorial or exam schedule or assessments without prior notice. Some students may be merged into different intakes or be moved from intake to intake, as approved by TBC, so class size may vary.


  • You declare that, to the best of your knowledge, the information provided by you in this Student Application Form (and all documentation attached to, accompanying or sent in relation to this Student Application Form) is true and complete. 


  • You acknowledge that TBC may vary or reverse their decision regarding admission, enrolment, or registration - made on the basis of any misrepresentations or incorrect or incomplete information provided by you, or any breach of the TBC Student Handbook. 


  • You consent to TBC making inquiries at any institution (including but not limited to universities or colleges) or to any person to confirm the qualifications that you have obtained and any other details set out in the Student Application Form and you consent to them providing this Student Application Form to these institutions and persons as proof of your consent. 


  • You consent to the appropriate Nepalese authorities having access to your academic records as part of any audit of TBC in accordance with relevant Nepalese legislation.


  • You agree that TBC may use or disclose your information for marketing purposes but only to the extent permitted by the relevant privacy legislation.


  • Should you wish to withdraw your application, you must inform us immediately.


  • You have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions in this Student Application Form.


  • I accept that if The British College runs online classes because of government restrictions on face class delivery I/ guardian will not raise any objection on the matter in the future.



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