Press Archive

Techie IT

English News Coverage

YearNews LinkMediaLocation
2017201 Graduate from The British CollegeNew Business AgeNepal
 2017The British College confers degrees to 201 graduatesThe Himalayan TimesNepal
2017The British College student tops the world in ACCA examsNepalipatraNepal
2017The British College student tops the world in ACCA examsHimal KhabarNepal
2017The British College student tops the world in ACCA examsAnnapurna PostNepal
2017The British College student tops the world in ACCA examsOnline KhabarNepal
2017The British College student tops the world in ACCA examsThe Himalayan TimesNepal
2015The British College Graduation Ceromony The Himalayan TimesNepal 
2013The British College Nagarik Edu Fair '13RepublicaNepal
2012British College sponsors NeBA programsRepublicaNepal

Nepali News Coverage

YearNews LinkMediaLocation
2017ब्रिटिश कलेजको तेस्रोे दीक्षान्त समारोह सम्पन्नBikash NewsNepal
2017ब्रिटिश कलेजको तेस्रोे दीक्षान्त समारोह सम्पन्न Rato PatiNepal
2017ब्रिटिश कलेजको तेस्रोे दीक्षान्त समारोह सम्पन्न Onlinekhabar.comNepal 
2015ब्रिटिस कलेजको पहिलो दीक्षान्त सम्पन्न Onlinekhabar.comNepal 
2015द ब्रिटिस कलेज’का पहिलो ब्याचका विद्यार्थी ग्य्राजुएटRajdhani Nepal
2013'द ब्रिटिस कलेज' लाई बेलायती विश्वविद्यालयको पूर्ण मान्यताsetopati.comNepal
2013द बृटिश कलेजका विद्यार्थीद्वारा बाढी पीडितलाई सहयोगnepalbritain.comUK
2013द बृटिश कलेज भ्रमणमा बिरटिस काउन्सिलका निर्देशक तथा पदाधिकारीहरुnepalbritain.comUK

Sports (The British College Cup)

YearNews LinkMediaLocation
2013The British College Cup – GoldenGate and Softwarica WinGive me goalNepal
2013Golden Gate, Whitefield into finalRepublicaNepal
2013ह्वाइट फिल्डलाई कलेज कपnagariknewsNepal

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