Foundation Classes for MSc IT - " Data really influences everything that we do! "
Join our data science-focused MSc IT foundation course for free.
The MSc IT Foundation classes will run for two weeks and have been designed for prospective students who wish to join the MSc IT programme at The British College, in the upcoming academic year. The aim of the course is to help these future TBC students to bridge the gap between the knowledge that they have gained from their current qualifications and the knowledge and skills that they will need for the MSc IT Programme.
Throughout this course, we will be providing students with an overview of the programme-related modules that will be available to them - such as ‘The Basics of Data Science’, ‘Technology’, and ‘IS & Digital Innovations’. For the purpose of this course, all of these modules have been specially tailored in order to provide a solid foundation of knowledge for the students in their chosen field of study. This overview, along with the classes, will ensure that by the end of the course, students will have developed their core research, critical thinking, and report writing skills - thereby preparing them to join the MSc IT Programme with the confidence, skills, and knowledge that they need.
Course Details
- Mode of class delivery: Online (Google meet and other G-Suite components)
- Cost for participation: FREE
- Available subjects: Research Skills, Technology, IS and Digital Innovations, Introduction to Data Analytics, and Academic English
- Class Dates: 21st July 2020 Onwards
- Duration of online classes per day: 2 hours
- Class timing: 7:00 am - 9:00 am
- Duration: 2 weeks
Application Requirements:
- Valid certificates of completion of BE Computer/Electronics, Bachelors in IT, or other IT related field.
- Or completion of Bachelors in other subjects with two years of experience in IT.
Time Table
For 2 weeks - Starting from 21st July 2020 :
Module/Day |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Research Skills (PU) |
7:00 am – 9:00 am |
Technology, IS & digital Innovations (MM) |
7:00 am – 9:00 am |
Introduction to Data Analytics (AS)
7:00 am – 9:00 am |
Academic English (MR) |
1::00 pm – 3:00 pm |
- PU - Dr Pranita Upadhyaya
- MM - Dr Mahesh Maharjan
- AS - Mr Ayush Subedi
- MR - Ms Marney Ryan
Faculty Profiles
- Dr Pranita Upadhyaya (PU)
Dr Pranita Upadhyaya has a PhD in Computer Engineering and is currently working as a Programme Leader & Research Coordinator at the British College. Besides regular teaching and department management duties, she is involved in various research activities - such as organising conferences and workshops and mentoring students. She has an Academic / Professional work experience that spans over 23 years, functioning in various sectors including Government/Semi-Government, private companies, and academic institutions. Her roles have included being a Principal at a College, a Project Manager at a software company, an IT Consultant to the Vice-Chancellor, and the Executive Director of the National Information Technology Centre (under the Ministry of Science and Technology). Her research interests include Cyber Security, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, and Green Computing.
- Dr Mahesh Maharjan (MM)
Dr Mahesh Maharjan completed his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) in 2017, after previously receiving a dual Masters Degree in Computer Application and Social Science. He now has more than 18 years of experience in his field and has worked with numerous national-level multi-donor funded projects, including UNDP, UNCDF, and World Bank. Currently, he is working as an MIS Specialist at the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) and has been engaged as a faculty member with The British College since 2015. In this role, he is responsible for regular MIDGE and NSD classes, as well as Thesis and Research work. His research interests include Information Systems, Social Cash Transfer, Branchless Banking, e-Governance, Smart City, and Research Works.
- Mr Ayush Subedi (AS)
Ayush Subedi is the co-founder of Moonlit Solutions. He is also a data scientist who works with The World Bank and was previously the CTO of Tootle. He has a penchant for solving unstructured and non-standard mathematical problems, and for building mathematical models that underpin real-world problems. He is also passionate about mentoring and multiplying impact through technical leadership - while fostering the importance of a holistic approach to data and research in all aspects of product development, branding, marketing, sales, and logistics.
- Ms Marney Ryan (MR)
Marney Ryan is the English Centre Associate Programme Manager at The British College. Within this role, she teaches English language classes and runs the IELTS Programme. She is also the Content Writer at TBC, helping the Marketing Team and staff across the College. Marney is from London, England and has been living in Nepal for 2 years. Before joining us she taught for over 3 years across a number of different countries and worked for 2 years at a University in London with international students. She gained both her Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degrees in the field of English from the UK and will be using her experience and expertise to teach the Academic English MSc IT Foundation classes.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/kQKLLFWApEmwZCnT6