The 5th International Research Symposium
On the 5th of April, 2022, The British College participated in the 5th International Research Symposium (Virtual) which was organised by The Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.
Taking part on behalf of The British College were four MIBM Students (Kabita Shilpakar, Rahul Shrestha, Sadikshya Hamal, and Trishik Shrestha), and three BBA students (Akemi Baruwal, Kevin Joseph Basnet Gurung, and Rahul Pareek) who all presented their research on a variety of business and management topics.
Lecturers and professors were also given the chance to comment on the presentations and give their own expert advice - including two of our own faculty members, Saurav Satyal (Programme Leader, BBA) and Jagdish Bist (Visiting Faculty, Research), who participated as commentators.
As a result, all MIBM students and two BBA students have been selected for the National Conference of Prince of Songkla, which will be taking place on 14th May.
We would also like to congratulate all of the students who took part and wish the best of luck to those going to the National Conference.