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TBC Advisory Board Meeting

Published on : February 26, 2015 at 07:24 AM
Published on : February 26, 2015 at 07:24 AM
TBC Advisory Board Meeting

We are please to inform parents and students that we have recently and successfully completed our first Annual Advisory Board Meeting to discuss the direction, development, planning and continuing strategy of the college.

The advisory board itself includes several prestigious figures from both the UK and Nepal, representing the partnership between the two countries that The British College symbolises. The Advisory Board Meeting discussed how we plan to proceed our goal of providing high quality education in Nepal.



Advisory Board Members:

    Lord Sandwich, The Earl of Sandwich, a member in the House of Lords
    Dr (h.c) Chiran Thapa, Advisor
    Dr Arjun Karki
    Paul Cleves MBE, CEO of Foodlines and highly active Philanthropist, founder of Saigon Children’s Charity
    Anthony Wieler, Vice-president of the Britain – Nepal Chamber of Commerce
    Rajen Kandel, CEO and Chair of the Advisory Board

Key points from the discussion were the perception of British Education in Nepal; further scholarship and support for students from marginalised communities; and the future expansion of TBC. Also, as The British College has international students from 6 different countries, it was discussed about expanding their number to help provide local students a truly international experience. Overall, the advisory board was impressed with how the college is proceeding and fully recognises that the college is fulfilling its target to provide high quality British education to our students.

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