Student Voices Heard at British Model College
At BMC we believe that “Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process”. We encourage our students to be active in decision making with regards to changes in their educative experience.
The Faculty of British Model College (BMC), Class Representatives, and Student Council Representative of the A-level program had a productive meeting on 19th April 2018, during which the improvement of BMC was discussed from both sides to allow BMC success in providing the best quality service. The meeting was jointly chaired by the Principal Dr. John Bateman and the Director of the British Model College (BMC), Mr. Mahendra Kandel.
Positive feedback from students included that they feel ‘BMC is a home away from home’ regarding extracurricular activities. Some of the issues students raised included the size of the art and design classroom and the request for an annual magazine to be published.
Meetings of this nature are held periodically at BMC to receive student suggestions and inputs about the College and furthermore to encourage student participation in various ECA/CCA activities. As in institution who firmly believes in autonomy and freedom BMC always makes sure that the student’s voice is taken seriously as a vital key to improvement.