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Message from Mr Bipin Baral, A Level Associate Program Manager, TBC

Published on : April 26, 2020 at 10:23 AM
Published on : April 26, 2020 at 10:23 AM
Message from Mr Bipin Baral, A Level Associate Program Manager, TBC

Dear Learners, 


How are you? 

I hope you and your family members are well and staying safe. This is an unprecedented period but the whole of humanity is together in this dark period and will win over. Your education need not come to a grinding halt due to current pandemic. To an optimistic view, I see plenty of opportunities for you as learners. The following attributes of Cambridge Learners have become more relevant in this situation:


  • Responsible for oneself: One will need to take ownership of his/her learning. I recommend setting a personal timetable and working on assignments provided by the teachers on a regular basis and submitting them within the deadlines. One can also use this opportunity to learn new skills like programming, photography etc. through various online courses. This is a perfect time to research university applications and prepare for various requirements for admissions. Also, one should be responsible for one’s well being by making sure you are sleeping, eating and exercising well.

  • Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges: One never knows what challenges the future might hold. Being resilient during the present crisis and making the best of the current situation for one’s education will help one be better equipped for new challenges. I assume many of you might have experienced situations out of your comfort zone in this period. But devising strategies to circumnavigate and reach your goal is what makes you innovative.


  • Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference: Current situation is a fertile ground of information regarding public health, medicine, research, public policy, economy, psychology. I encourage each one of you to learn these aspects based on your interest and to dig more deeply with a spirit of enquiry. 


Currently, A-Level at TBC is focusing on three different areas: 

  • Ensuring alternative education provision until the school can safely reopen: Teachers are engaging the learners through weekly assignments and activities using Google Classroom and emails. Plans are also underway to start virtual classrooms for next academic session due to start in June until schools can safely reopen. 


  • Reopening School safely: We are aware of the responsibility we have towards the safety of all of our students, teachers and staff and we prioritize that responsibility. We will prepare the physical infrastructure to open the school safely.


  • Sustaining safe School: We will implement the public health guidelines released by the government to sustain the safety of all of our students, teachers and staff within our premises. 



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