CEO of The British Collge is Featured as a “Powerhouse Business Leader of 2024" in Top Business Magazine

CEO and founder of The British College has been chosen as the cover story for the latest release of CIO Today, featuring in the "Global Titans: The Powerhouse Business Leaders of 2024" issue.
In this impressive eight-page spread, Kandel talks about running multiple businesses including The Kandel Group and The British Education Group, which incorporates institutes across the globe, including the prestigious The British College in Nepal.
The article covers a history of how Kandel got to where he is today - from growing up in Nepal to studying in London and founding his very first college there. It also talks about his vast business endeavours and academic achievements, including achieving an MBA in Higher Education Management from University College London (UCL).
When discussing his journey to becoming one of the top powerhouse business leaders of 2024, he said, “For me, success is about empowering others through education and opportunity. My journey in education started with a simple goal to make learning accessible and impactful’.
We would like to congratulate Mr Kandel on such a prestigious feature and welcome you all to read the full article here.