Techie IT

Merry Christmas Celebration Programme


The British College, Trade Tower, Thapathali

Start At : December 18, 2015 at 08:00 AM

Merry Christmas Celebration Programme 


We hereby want to inform you all that we are having Christmas Celebration on the 18th Dec, 2015, Friday (starting from 9:00am). There will be 15 food stalls (max) in the Hall and the theme is Christmas.


The event is designed for students so we seek active participation from your side. The interested students are asked to register for Food Stall, food eating competition, to volunteer. Volunteers are asked to meet each other everyday from Monday, 14th to Thursday,17th (10:00am-11:00am) for decoration and overall planning. Also take note that some food items which is to be kept in the stall are booked already.


Programme breakdown:

  • Food making competition
  • Food fest (Students will make their own food and sell in their stalls)
  • Food eating competition
  • Santa visit to the College/Photo Session/Sweets distribution
  • Open mic
  • Dance


Last, we  would like to request you to attend the event and buy your lunch from students' stall in order to support our students. (Canteen will be closed on that day but students will be allowed to use microwave and other kitchen facilities)


Thank you



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