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A Level Prom Night


Crystal Banquet in Manbhawan, Lalitpur

Start At : April 20, 2022 at 05:02 PM

Every academic year, we must bid farewell to another batch of graduated A Level students. The tradition at the British Model College in previous years was to hold a sedate, formal ceremony at the end of term in addition to the regular graduation ceremony. The upcoming batch of younger students would give gifts, provide words of encouragement, and hold a banquet dinner that the departing students could enjoy and cherish as they transitioned into further studies or a career path.


This year however, the AS Level students decided that something slightly different was needed. After nearly two years of sporadic lockdowns, online learning, and general pandemic anxiety, a more energetic “good-bye and good luck!” would benefit this resilient batch of graduates who have always displayed an extra amount of spirit. So, what would be the perfect celebration for these vibrant, young ladies and gentlemen? Prom Night, of course!


Prom is a dance party customarily held at the end of a school year for graduating students where those in attendance dress up in glamorous formal attire and tuck into a tasty dinner before dancing and grooving the night away. And it can absolutely be said that our BMC A Level students understood the assignment and did precisely that.


Students arrived at the Crystal Banquet in Manbhawan, Lalitpur on April 20th glowing in the sunset light with a variety of suits and black-tie for the boys and colorful evening gowns and saris for the girls. Everyone was feeling their best and it showed as the second-year students cast their votes for their choice of the ten nominees for Prom King and Prom Queen, a traditional aspect of prom.


Entertainment for the evening was divided into two acts. Opening the event were BMC’s own Music and Dance club members with several performances ranging from traditional Nepali, K-pop, English pop, and more - as an additional gift for the A2 students being honored. Then, everyone got to relax and jam with the popular Nepali band, Three Brothers, who played a variety of Nepali songs for the crowd to cheer and sing along to.


Closing out the programme, all of the nominees for Prom King and Prom Queen joined one another on stage to hear the election results. The 2022 A Level batch yelled and applauded as Prapti Sangraula was announced as Prom Queen and Nishant Yadav was awarded Prom King. Congratulations to the winners!


Finally after a warm, filling dinner followed by countless group photos and selfies, the event drifted to a close. First-year students waved cheerful farewells while second-year students took extra time for reflection and appreciation of classmates turned friends.


We wish those students all the best as they move ahead in their lives which will hopefully be filled with opportunities that allow for endless learning and happiness.



By Christopher R. Kemp

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