Trusting the Foot Steps to Dubai: A Captivating Blend of Cultural Immersion, and Insight on the Vibrant City's Dynamism

Dubai was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! The prospect of an "International Mobility Programme" delighted us all, and along with the rest of the BBA and BIT students, we were very much looking forward to embarking on this exciting journey to Dubai.
As soon as we arrived, the tour guide on the bus gave us numerous interesting facts about Dubai, such as a peculiar method of determining an individual's wealth by observing the number plate on their vehicle.

He asserted that a car with a single digit on its plate belonged to the king or queen, a two-digit number to a wealthy person, and a number with three, four, and five digits to someone who may not be well off economically - which presented a distinctive perspective on Dubai's lifestyle and conventions.
Our tour guide also mentioned how Dubai maintains its cleanliness. He explained that the government has strict regulations, with hefty penalties and fines for those who don't abide by them as a part of their efforts to keep the city looking pristine - and it certainly seemed to be working.
Despite the repeated emphasis on punctuality by the faculty team, our group developed a recurring tendency to arrive late, much to our collective amusement! This habit, which became something of a running joke among us, occasionally tested the patience of our instructors.
There were even instances where the faculty team appeared on the verge of departing without us due to our delayed arrival - but we always managed to join the group!

One of the highlights of the trip for me was finding shells in the sea which I collected and turned into pendants and keyrings.
Likewise, another highlight was going to Global Village, which made me mesmerised with the concept of encompassing the majority of the countries, and their specialities in terms of goods, food culture, and hospitality.
When walking towards one of the countries, I witnessed a group of people performing Ramzan prayers. It was a really fun, busy tourist spot, and I loved the fact that culture was placed as a priority.
Ferrari World was also a highlight of the trip, even though the rides made me nervous. I'm not the bravest when it comes to heights, and the thought of hurtling through the air at breakneck speeds didn't exactly sit well with me.
However, I was challenged to conquer my fears and with the grace of God, and my willingness, I managed to accomplish nine rides with my friends. I emerged with shaky legs but a sense of accomplishment like never before.

The adrenaline rush was real, and it was worth it. However, the place that left the most lasting impression on me has to be the Deira Mall.
Amidst the maze of shops and bustling crowds, there was one thing that stood out – the amazing collection the brand comprised.
And then there was Meena Bazar, a vibrant tapestry of colours and culture. What struck me the most was the infectious energy of the shopkeepers.

Despite the sweltering heat and endless crowds, they greeted each customer with warmth and enthusiasm, ready to cater to their every need. It was a stark reminder of the hospitality and resilience that defines Dubai's spirit.
Overall, it was a short and sweet trip and I cherished each moment as I captured some amazing memories.
Ms Dibya Karki is a BBA student who is specialising in finance and has a passion for travel. So, read all about her journey as she explored one of the most luxurious countries in the world and returned with an immense sense of joy and gratitude.