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Ask the Alumni - Subhadra Shree Rajbhandari

Published on : December 30, 2021 at 06:25 AM
Published on : December 30, 2021 at 06:25 AM

This month we interviewed one of our EMBA 2018 graduates, Subhadra Shree Rajbhandari. Since graduating, Subhadra has found great success in business and is now the Chief of Information Systems at the Credit Information Bureau (CIB). So, as we reflect upon the last year and look towards 2022 - we decided to ask his opinion about how the world of finance has changed and what predictions he has for the year to come. 



  • Hi Subhadra! It’s been three years now since you graduated. So what have you been up to since leaving us?



Currently, I’m working as the Chief of Information Systems, with a major focus on modernising and sophisticating the Credit Bureau of Nepal. 



  • That sounds interesting! Can you tell us some more about what projects you have been working on recently? 


Well, I am leading two main activities at the moment. Firstly, we have rolled out Credit Score into the banking fraternity, which is a form of AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) based on predictive modelling. This will help to change the future of lending practices as the score predicts the probability of the customer defaulting on a credit obligation, or becoming delinquent or insolvent. Likewise, we have started working on real-time data integrations with financial institutions that would transport correct, current, and complete information from the fraternity. 



  • And what projects have you got planned for the future at CIB?



I am also looking forward to bringing in more value-added products and services into the market that will not only benefit the lenders, but also the customers, and the associated regulating agencies. As you know, The Credit Bureau is a vital part of the country’s financial infrastructure. So, for the greater success of finance and safeguarding financial stability, The Credit Bureau needs to keep itself with the best international practices, and that’s where I aspire to be, together with my Credit Bureau Family.



  • As 2021 comes to an end, what can you tell us about how your industry has been affected by the events of the past year? 



Well, everyone knows about the strain due to Covid-19 on the country’s economy and financial sectors. The missing payments due to various circumstances, such as unemployment and business closures, have led to many people receiving a bad credit rating, which in the future will stop lenders from offering them further loans. 



  • And how do you think this will continue to affect things in the year to come?



The potential extensive default on the repayment of loans could be huge. However, when the deferral of payments was announced by the government and the central bank, it became harder to identify who was actually capable and willing to pay versus who was not.  This has put the banking sectors in a very awkward situation and as such, they haven’t been able to report accurately to the credit bureau.



  • And how did the credit bureaus operations cope when everyone had to work from home?



With regards to the credit bureau’s operations, as we moved into a complete business automation process in 2017, we can easily manage our systems and services from anywhere. So, it was no problem to work from home. However, having said this, collaborations and building effective communication from remote stations for both internal and external affairs, has been a real learning curve as it’s not something any of us had any experience doing before. 



  • Okay, and finally, what advice do you have for students who are just starting out on the EMBA? 



For me, the EMBA was more than just an academic degree as my true aspiration was for knowledge. And at the British College, I truly had those aspirations fulfilled. So, my advice for aspiring students would be to not just chase exams and scores but to chase the knowledge you will receive and channel it into functioning your future line of business. 

Thank you Subhadra Shree Rajbhandari! We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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