BSc (Hons) Computing


Leeds Beckett University

4 years (including Foundation Level)

Jan/Feb & Aug/Sept

Techie IT

About the Course

The BSc (Hons) Computing Programme is a course run in partnership with Leeds Beckett University, UK, that gives students the unique opportunity to gain a British degree from right here in Nepal. 


The curriculum provides detailed knowledge of the key aspects of computing, from the forefront of the discipline - and gives students the ability to undertake computing projects at a professional standard, by the consistent application and review of development, management, and evaluation methods and techniques.


Students studying this course will gain highly sought-after skills in computer programming, database development, networking, website development, systems modelling, and computer security - which are vital for gaining entry into organisations which demand confident and technically equipped computing graduates. 


This wide breadth of understanding enables students to be enterprising when devising and sustaining arguments, and further teaches them to solve problems using innovative ideas - by implementing learned techniques in a multicultural and globalised world.

These are vital skills for gaining entry into organisations which demand confident and technically equipped computing graduates. 


Programme Objectives 

  • This course is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in a Relevant Subject in Nepal. 
  • Work on real-world projects, focusing on specialist areas of the student’s choice - including web technology, network and communications, and database and software development.
  • Gain experience in co-operative working through group projects.
  • Develop professional-level skills in technical and report writing, public speaking, and presenting.
  • Graduate with the ability to independently undertake research and critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts, and data.
University Ranking

Anita Gurung Rana

Programme Leader, BSc(Hons) Computing

Foundation Programme

To qualify for the foundation programme you must have one of the following:

  • 10+2/CBSE or equivalent
  • 60% (GPA 2.4) or above aggregate score
  • A Level (minimum 3.5 credits with 3 full credits)*

*Any other qualification must be approved by the Programme Leader before being accepted 


Direct Entry:

  • Pass TBC Foundation Programme 


  • Overall 75% & above with a minimum of 70% in English or;
  • 120 UCAS points with a Minimum of 96 points from 3 A Level subjects (Excluding General Studies)


  • 6.0 IELTS or equivalent (with no skill below 5.5) 

Entry Requirements

On completion of the programme students may proceed to a postgraduate course in a related subject area. The British College also has a number of industry links through which students can obtain placement opportunities. Alternately, our students will be fully equipped to create their own company or progress to a career in roles such as (but not limited to):

  • Software Developer Or Engineer,
  • Web Developer
  • Database Developer Or Administrator And
  • Network Architect And Technician
  • Data Analyst
  • Mobile App Developer
After you Graduate

I have been thoroughly impressed with the quality of education, support, and resources provided at The British College. The instructors are knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, and are always willing to go above and beyond to help their students to succeed.


*NOTE: This New Course Structure is only applicable for students of Cohort 2021/22 (Enrolled After September 2021)


The degree programme is comprised of a one year Foundation Year provided by University of the West of England (UWE) followed by a three-year degree validated by Leeds Beckett University.


Level 3: TBC-UWE International Foundation Programme* (Year 0/L3)

Semester 1Semester 2
Academic English & Effective Communication15 creditsAcademic English and Effective Communication15 credits
Mathematics for Computing15 creditsFundamentals of Multimedia15 credits
Introduction to Programming15 creditsFundamentals of Data Science15 credits
Computer Fundamentals and Network15 creditsInternet Technologies15 credits

*The International Foundation Programme is awarded by University of the West of England (UWE, Bristol). 


Note: Academic English and Effective Communication is a double credit module that will be studied in both semesters.

After the Foundation Year, students will be registered with Leeds Beckett University, the programme can be completed entirely in Kathmandu, however, transfers to Leeds are also possible for interested students. 


Year 1 or Level 4 consists of 6 core modules totalling 120 credits


Level 4: TBC - LBU Pathway Programme (Year 1/L4)

Semester 1Semester 2
Fundamentals of Computer Science20 creditsObject-Oriented Programming20 credits
Computing Systems20 creditsFundamentals of Databases20 credits
Fundamentals of Computer Programming20 creditsComputer Communications20 credits


Level 5: TBC - LBU Programme (Year 2/L5)

Semester 1Semester 2
Digital Security Landscapes (Optional)20 creditsApplied Machine Learning20 credits
Database Systems (Optional)20 creditsComputer Network Architectures20 credits
Web Application and Technology (Optional)20 creditsTeam Project20 credits
Operating System in Practice20 credits  
Software Systems Development20 credits  

In Year 3 or Level 6, all students take the Production Project, with optional modules which allow students to specialise in a chosen potential career subject area.  In semester two, students continue with the level 6 Production Project with a number of optional modules. The Production Project encompasses research, planning and the production of a product followed by a critical evaluation. 


Level 6: TBC - LBU Programme (Year 2/L5)

Semester 1Semester 2
Advanced Software Development 20 creditsEmbedded Intelligent and Vision Systems (Optional)20 credits
Cloud Computing Development (Optional)20 creditsDeveloping Mobile Applications (Optional)20 credits
Advanced Web Engineering (Optional)20 creditsAdvanced Network Systems (Optional)20 credits
Advanced Database Systems (Optional)20 creditsProduction Project20 credits
 Production Project 20 credits  

Note: All students take the Production Project with two optional modules in each semester. 

Course Structure
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